List of Technologies and Approaches in Ethiopia,documented in WOCAT database

It is an approach based on labour exchange organized on the basis of mutual assistance involving no payment for work done. However, the land user is supposed to provide people participating with food and drinks. All wanting such cooperation request the me

food-for-work programm with distribution of grains and oil
  • Compiler: Sabina ErnyAPPROACHES
LLPPA is community involved participatory planning for integrated and sustainable development
  • Compiler: Philippe ZahnerAPPROACHES
It is a local level participatory planning approach.
  • Compiler: Philippe ZahnerAPPROACHES
  • Compiler: Philippe ZahnerOACHES
Farmer-Research-Extension Group (FREG) is a grass root level platform aims to bridge gaps on agricultural technology transfer between research and extension linkage and provide a platform of 20-30 members from research, extension and farmer for their joint learning and active participatory role in agricultural technology evaluation and dessimination.
  • Compiler: Gizaw Desta GessesseOLOGIES
Runoff/flood farming locally known as Korbe is a practice that involves diversion of water from different sources for growing vegetables, fruit trees and crops of high value on a land prepared known as Korbe.
  • Compiler: Daniel Danano
It is an embankment of soil with no gradient along the contour and stablized with grasses, tree/shrub plant species.
  • Compiler: Unknown UserTECHNOLOGIES
Stablized bund constructed fron stone and soils on the farm land along the contour and planted with multipurposive plant species
  • Compiler: Unknown UserSweet Potato RidgeTECHNOLOGIES
Earth embankment formed by digging a channel and pile the soil to form a ridge on which potato is planted.
  • Compiler: Daniel Danano
Closing the degraded land to let it to regenerate by excluding human and animal interference ans speed up the regeneration process by applying some SWC activities and undertake enrichment plantation.
  • Compiler: Unknown User
A terrace constructed along the contour with the embankment above the basin to prevent/control or reduce runoff.
  • Compiler: Unknown UserArea Closure for Rehabilitation of Degraded HillsidesTECHNOLOGIES
Closing the degraded land in order to provide enough time to regenerate by excluding from human and animal interferance.
  • Compiler: Unknown User
Construction of stones walls along the contour with trenches on the upper side of the structure while the upper part of the structure filled with soil and compacted.
  • Compiler: Unknown UserRidge & BasinTECHNOLOGIES
It is a rectangular shaped soil embankment created in digging up sol and farming ridge and a basin for harvesting moisture.
  • Compiler: Unknown UserTECHNOLOGIES
Agronomic/structural measure using straw of maize and/or sorghum.
  • Compiler: Unknown UserLocal Level participatory planning approach (LLPPA)APPROACHES
Participatory planning tools using various PRA techniques to enable the local community to identif their problem prioritize to sellect suitable measures & activities (planing, implementing & mgt of conservation based initiatives.
  • Compiler: Philippe ZahnerLocal level participatory planning approach (based on FFW)APPROACHES
It is FFW based participatory approach, by which the land users takes part in all stages of conservation planning, implementation evaluation.
  • Compiler: Philippe ZahnerFood for workAPPROACHES
Food for work is an incentive given to land users for the activities they perform by participating in land management activities.
  • Compiler: Daniel Danano
Mass Mobilization is an approach pursued to implement SLM technologies by organizing land users to undertake SLM activities without incentives being involved.
  • Compiler: Unknown User
Cut and carry grazing system (alternatively called zero grazing) is an approach where the community is consulted to identify and agree on areas to be closed and protected from free grazing; establish user groups are established to share the fodder biomass harvested from communal closed areas equitably; they utilize tree/shrub ...
  • Compiler: Gizaw Desta Gessesse3
Enclosing and protecting an area of degraded land from human use and animal interference, to permit natural rehabilitation, enhanced by additional vegetative and structural conservation measures.
  • Compiler: Daniel DananoTECHNOLOGIES
It is a technique which increases the productivity of grasslands per unit area through activities of soding and direct sawing of grass species.
  • Compiler: Daniel DananoTECHNOLOGIES
Trashlines are constructed as a barrier of runoff, soil erosion using maize, sorghum and teff straw/stalk
  • Compiler: Daniel Danano DaleMicrocatchments and pondsTECHNOLOGIES
Microcatchments and ponds are water harvesting measures used to collect stored and spread over an area to increase soil moisture and ground water level.
  • Compiler: Unknown UserTECHNOLOGIES
graded ditch out of soil and stones to protect the fields below from water runoff
  • Compiler: Sabina ErnyTECHNOLOGIES
Stone faced soil bund is an embankemt constructed along the contour by the use of stone and soil as a construction material.
  • Compiler: Unknown UserChat Ridge bundTECHNOLOGIES
It is a mechanical conservation measure where a basin and a ridge are formed for planting chat along a contour
  • Compiler: Unknown UserTECHNOLOGIES
Earh-checks are constructed of earth embankment put across in a deep gully in such a way to trap sediment and store water passing by it.
  • Compiler: Daniel DananoTECHNOLOGIES
Stone bund is an enbankment of stone constructed acrros the slope following the contour.
  • Compiler: Unknown User
It is a stone wall embankment along the contour with land leveling in between two terrace walls to control erosion.
  • Compiler: Daniel Danano2
stone terrace more or less along the contour, combined with artificial waterways and traditional ditches to drain excess water, and heightened field borders
  • Compiler: Eva Ludi

Area closure on degraded lands is a land management practice used to rehabilitate and conserve the natural resource bases, and enhance its natural regeneration and restoring capacity and productive functions by excluding animal and human interferences through community consultation and collective actions.
  • Compiler: Gizaw Desta GessesseIncentive Based Local Level Participatory Planning ApproachAPPROACHES
The approach involves, the use of incentives to motivate particpation of communities in the planning and implementation of SWC activities which improve land productivity and income.
  • Compiler: Philippe ZahnerIncentive Based  Participatory Planning and Implementation Approach Integrated watershed ManagementAPPROACHES
Integrated watershed management is implementation of SWC measures, forage development and crop production activitiesthrough increasing production and productivity per unit area of land on suistainable manner.
  • Compiler: Daniel DananoLocal level particpatory planning approaches with incentive.APPROACHES
All participants that way and means used to promote and implement sWC Technology Support more sustainable.
  • Compiler: Philippe ZahnerStone-faced Soil Bund Stablized with GrassTECHNOLOGIES
Stone faced terraces are commonly constructed on cultivated lands. These are structural measural measures placed along the contour to control soil erosion and trap runoff.
  • Compiler: Daniel Danano

It is a barrier of stone/wood/earth placed across a gully to control runoff and sediment passing through.
  • Compiler: Unknown UserEN
Compacted soil bund constructed following a contour using a soil excavated from deep trenches on the up-slope side.
  • Compiler: Eyasu YazewEN
These consist of stone embankments built in the shape of a semi circle with the tips of the bund on the contour and are arranged in staggered orientation in rows so that overflow from one row will run into the next downslope.
  • Compiler: Eyasu Yazew
It is a raised wall constructed across a stream/gully using stone, concrete and/or gabion for dual purpose, namely, to pond/store the stream flow behind it for irrigation purpose while at the same time reducing the runoff velocity and enhancing gully rehabilitation.
  • Compiler: Eyasu YazewDawa-Cheffa Traditional CheckdamTECHNOLOGIES
A structural measure constructed by stone/soil/wood acrross the gully to control erosion and create favourble condition for crop cultivation.
  • Compiler: Unknown UserRidge bundTECHNOLOGIES
it is an embankment of soil constructed along the contour on crop lands
  • Compiler: Unknown UserEN
It is an integrated land husbandary practice aimed at improving farm productivity of a household through the sustainable land resources development
  • Compiler: Unknown UserEN
Stone walls placed downslope in an inclined manner having embankment of soil on upstream along the contour line having tieridge.
  • Compiler: Unknown UserEN
Closure of degraded land is made on land that has lost vegetation cover, has low soil fertility . To speed up the regeneration process applying some SWC activities and enrichment plantation will be necessary.
  • Compiler: Unknown User
Gully erosion management is the application of combination of practices to control excess or concentrated runoff generation in the gully upstream catchment area, divert excess runoff upstream of gully heads and control further development of gully using appropriate structural and vegetative measures in the head, bed and sides of the ...
  • Compiler: Gizaw Desta GessessTECHNOLOGIES
Vegetated graded soil bund is a soil conservation practice meant for cultivated lands and constructed by excavating graded channel on upper side and develop embankment on lower side which is planted with grass or shrub species in order to control soil erosion and drain excess runoff implemented through community mobilization.
  • Compiler: Gizaw Desta GessesseAPPROACHES
An approach used by field staff to implement conservation activities, involving farmers in all stages of planning, implementation and evaluation.
  • Compiler: Daniel DananoSocial Infrastructure for Soil ConservationAPPROACHES
Negotiation with the stakeholder community of a catchment on social incentives to be offered by external agency in exchange of additional inputs by the communty to be invested into soil and water conservation measures.
  • Compiler: Hans Hurni
It is food for work based participatory approach, by which the land users takes part in all stages of conservation planning, implementation and evaluation.
  • Compiler: Philippe ZahnerCommunity social labour-share groups  (Debo/Wenfel)APPROACHES
Debo is a 'labour share', grouping of land users in a community. It is a social / traditional co-operation/ where land users support each other by working in groups for activities which are labour intensive.
  • Compiler: Philippe ZahnerSelf HelpAPPROACHES
A household and the family members work on SLM measures to manage their land without external support.
  • Compiler: Philippe ZahnerAPPROACHES
LLPPA is an approach at the local level participatory planing approach that involves community participation at all level.
  • Compiler: Philippe Zahner

Pastoralist field schools improve livelihoods and resilience of pastoral communities through a process of hands-on experimental and participatory learning. They are "schools without walls" that introduce good agricultural and marketing practices while building on local knowledge. The PFS approach builds heavily on the basic principles of discovery based learning to ...
  • Compiler: Giacomo de' BesiTECHNOLOGIES
It is a stone wall built across a gully at a given interval to trap moisture and sediment for crop production.
  • Compiler: Daniel DananoDesho Grass Soil BundTECHNOLOGIES
Desho grass strip is a vegetative SWC measure used for stablizing the bund and provide fodder for animals.
  • Compiler: Daniel DananoHaraghie Stone BundTECHNOLOGIES
It is constructed along the contour to minimize soil erosion and prevent runoff damage from down stream fields.
  • Compiler: Unknown User
Stone faced embankment constructed along the contour to reduce soil loss
  • Compiler: Unknown UserEN
Stone wall check dams are built across a gully to collect alluvial soil and hinder further gully erosion.
  • Compiler: Simon Bach

It is an allignment of stones embankment at the lower/downslope of the trench dug to form earth embankment following a contour.
  • Compiler: Unknown UserEN
Multiple cropping is an agronomic practice of growing two or more crops on the same land simultaneously in a given growing season
  • Compiler: Unknown UserEN
A hillside terrace is a structure along the contour, where a strip of land is levelled for tree planting.
  • Compiler: Hans HurniIncentive based CCPPAAPPROACHES
The participation of the communities in the planning implementation and evaluation of SWC activities and provided with food for work as an insentive to encourage participation.
  • Compiler: Daniel DananoParticipating the community at all level at all stages of the project.APPROACHES
Local level particpatpry planning approach
  • Compiler: Philippe ZahnerSelf help approachAPPROACHES
Self help
  • Compiler: Philippe Zahner

Community mobilization for soil and water conservation work in a watershed planning unit is an approach for collective action by organizing all active labor forces living in the kebele/peasant association into development group of 20-30 members and further divide into 1:5 work force to implement construction of soil and water ...
  • Compiler: Gizaw Desta Gessesse4
Rehabilitation of communal grazing lands, through planting of improved grass and fodder trees and land subdivision, to improve fodder and consequently livestock production.
  • Compiler: Daniel DananoTECHNOLOGIES
level bund with double stone walls with soil and grass to stabilize the structure
  • Compiler: Sabina Erny
Sorghum Terrace of Diredawa (STD)TECHNOLOGIES
It is a structural measure constructed across the slope to control erosion and increase soil moisture.
  • Compiler: Daniel Danano

Activities that help maintain the productive potentials of soils through prevention and reduction of erosion, enhancing of rehabilitation rate by practicing measures such as microbasins, trench, eyebrow terrace, terraces, pitting and plantation of trees.
  • Compiler: Unknown User
It is a structural measure with an embankment of soil or stones or soil and stones, constructed along the contour and stablized with vegetative measures (grass and fodder trees).
Compiler: Unknown UserSoil bund & Fanya Juu combined & vegetatedTECHNOLOGIES
Soil bund and Fanya Juu constructed along the contour lines in microwatershed to conserve soil moisture and control erosion.
  • Compiler: Daniel DananoPaved and grassed waterwaysTECHNOLOGIES
A waterway is an artficial drainage channel constructed along the steepest slope to receive runoff from cutoff drains and graded structures and drain to the natural waterway safely.
  • Compiler: Berhanu FentawEN
Gully rehabilitation and hill stabilization with Jatropha hedges.
  • Compiler: Simon BachStone faced level bundTECHNOLOGIES
Stone faced bund is embankment constructed from stone & soil along the contour at upper part to reduce velocity of run of & length of slope with collection ditch in the uper part.
  • Compiler: Unknown UserHararghie Soil BundTECHNOLOGIES
an embankment of soil constructed along the contour to reduce runoff and maintain soil moisture.
  • Compiler: Unknown UserBoreda Soil BundTECHNOLOGIES
Structure constructed by digging a shallow channel on the upper hill side and putting the excavated soil on the down side to build the embankment
  • Compiler: Unknown User

an allignment of stone along the contour line which stabilzes with grass species
  • Compiler: Unknown User

Teff row planting is an agronomic practice used to place Teff seeds (very small size) in rows of about 20cm apart and at predetermined depth with sufficient cover of firm soil.
  • Compiler: Gizaw Desta Gessesse


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